Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chakkarai’s homecoming -2

OK. I know I almost vanished off the face of Earth for quite a while now, that too after starting that spicy post on Chakkarai athimber… Well, I wish to blame it on such inane terms like debug, silicon, failures etc… But not to put u off by using them, let me say I was just busy (apart from v day ;) )

Anyway, let's go back to the point where Chakkarai athimber had promised to come (does that sound like Dumbledore taking Harry to Voldemort's childhood? :P)

The minute this was announced, Paati decided that the house was in a bad state to welcome her maapillai. And we cleaned the house, in as hurried a manner as the forest animals cleaned with Snow White, scurrying and removing all the junk (which is essentially everything that belongs to me) and stuffing it in cupboards/under-the-cot etc…

And then we had the whole wipe everything with Colin phase, followed by make sweets for chakkarai athimber (Inspires me to paraphrase Vivek's haiku)-

-- note that I have written it in separate lines, as advised by Vivek, the original author
Did I hear you say too much DIGRESSION?!

Ok. Anyway, the next day dawned as usual, Surya on his chariot drawn by Jaya, Ajaya, Vijaya, Jitaprana, Jitakrama, Mano Japa, Jita Krodha* rode happily across space, probably a little sad that very few people greeted him these days and almost completely unaware of the fact that my house was at its best awaiting the arrival of somebody else called Chakkarai. And sure enough, by 11, uncle was home. (His flight came in by 9.45)

Being a rotund, jocund man, (previous GRE studies fallout;)) he sprang into our house greeting everyone and then sitting on the sofa, like an emperor ready to greet his subjects.

And sure enough there was great conversation to be had that day, with my paati, 5 of my cousins, 2-3 chithappas (2 or 3, u ask me. Well, some of them not direct chithappas, but dad's cousins, so I don't remember the count) and other such people. (Dad was conspicuously absent, to great dismay by paati and co. -- he had some important meeting at work that day.

(To be contd.)

*I bet u didn't know the names of Surya's seven horses. Nor did I :P

** great conversation DOES NOT include -- "Chennai is soo hot" or "Thank you for the chocolates, athimber"

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